On Saturday morning I went along to
Lindy Charm School to learn how to fix my hair, make up, and clothing in 30s style. It was so much fun! We tried a victory rolls, pin curls, red lipstick, finger waves, and even checked out bullet bras, girdles, garters, seamed nylons etc! Oh yeah, I also had my hair died dark! I asked to go strawberry blonde with
darker bits underneith and this is what I

got! I like it though, and I think it suits the 30s styles better than blonde...pity it is starting to fade out already.
We had so much fun chatting away and doing our hair that we were late for the Girls Only Performance Class. We are learning a ladies-only routine to perform at the annual Swing festival,
Canberräng 2008. It should be good, it's a lot of fun!

On the weekend I also went to Marijan, Meri and Ren's farewell party at Uni Pub, and to Alissa, Pete, Sam and Mary's housewarming. Their new home is SO lovely! I'm looking forward to lots of repeat invitations....hint, hint. ;o)
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