There is a cool, new magazine in town, Twenty600. It is written by Canberrans, pokes fun at Canberra, pays tribute to Canberra, reviews gigs, provides coming attractions, and is basically all about Canberra. It aims (and succeeds I might add) to fill a hole in the 20/30-something market.
I was asked to help out with some photography, and the Winter 08 (Issue number 3) saw my first published pics (other than winning photo comps etc).
Here are a couple of original images, and scanned pages. The first image is our bios, we had to google ourselves for an alter-ego. The second pic was for a story about the epidemic that is sweeping once-

The next lot of pics were taken for a story on the way the media (and society) portrays women and sexuality.
Hope you enjoy....look out for the next edition!

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